What you minimal need to build a Cygnus is the following:
1. A donor car, this may be a 2CV, a Dyane or an Ami. The kit fits on all 3 types.
2. The base kit (what is in the kit you can see in our price list) and some parts from the donor car.
3. Head lights, rear lights, indicators. For these lights you can use the lightning of a 2 CV and further you'll need 1 or 2 rear mirrors.
The parts you need from the donor car besides the complete rolling part are: handbrake handle, gear handle ( is to be replaced by a longer one) warning lights, indicator switch, light switch, wiring, windshield wiper motor, speedometer and possibly the steering wheel. If you do not want to mount sport seats you can use one of the double seats.
The rolling part consists of the complete undercarriage of the donor car including the heating and the original exhaust pipe.
The engine hood opens to the front. A look at the dash.
When the rolling part is finished you need 50 to 70 hours to build a Cygnus.